Media Advisory: Denying a Child Their Father is Child Abuse, New Toronto Billboards Affirm

Media AdvisoryCAFE NewsNovember 17, 2015 CONTACT Justin Trottier National Executive Director, Canadian Centre for Men and Families 416-402-8856 Visit the Parental…

New Toronto Billboards Affirm Parental Alienation is Child Abuse

Visit the Parental Alienation and Fatherlessness Campaign Webpage MEDIA ADVISORY - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Denying a Child Their Father is Child Abuse, New Toronto Billboards Affirm TORONTO,…

Healing Journeys Conference Videos Posted

Healing Journeys: Violence and Trauma Conference Focusing on Male Victims October 22-24, 2015 Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness,, Gatehouse and Canadian Centre for Men and……

Remembrance Day: Men’s Issues Society Participates in U of T Service

Canadian Centre for Men and Families was honoured to join the University of Toronto Men's Issues Awareness Society to participate in the Remembrance Day service at the University of Toronto. We will…

Ryerson men’s issues group says students’ union shutting out male voices

Ryerson men’s issues group says students’ union shutting out male voices

Robyn Urback: Why, exactly, is it OK to discriminate against men’s groups on campus?

Robyn Urback: Why, exactly, is it OK to discriminate against men’s groups on campus?

Healing Journeys Conference Co-Hosts

We took this photo at the conclusion of our amazing Healing Journeys Conference, for male survivors of trauma, domestic violence and sexual abuse. It features reps from all the co-hosting groups.…