National Men’s Issues Charity CCMF Inaugurates Ottawa Branch Wednesday

Media AdvisoryParental Alienation and Equal ParentingJune 1, 2015 CONTACT Justin Trottier National Executive Director, Canadian Centre for Men and Families 416-402-8856…

Parental Alienation Day 2015 Retrospective

April 25 was Parental Alienation Awareness Day. The overwhelming number of cases of parental alienation involve fathers after the breakdown of a marriage. As we reflect on our consciousness-raising…

Vancouver Celebrates Parental Alienation Awareness Day April 25, 2015

“Bubbles of Love” Saturday, April 25, 2015 at Noon Parental Alienation Awareness Day Sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Vancouver BranchApril is Child Abuse Prevention and…

Lost Generation Part 14: Ways to deal with PA as an alienated parents

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer Parents to understand PAS and tale help from experts to break through PAS. Needs to remain calm since a person who reacts in anger is proving the alienator's point…

Lost Generation Part 13: How to stop/escape Parental Alienation

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer Prevention is critical as it is easier to stop children from becoming alienated than it is to undo the alienation once the children have adopted false ideas and…

Lost Generation Part 12 : War between Fathers and Mothers

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer Fathers were attempting to program their children, but they were less likely to be successful because the children were generally more closely bonded with their…

Lost Generation Part 11: Parental Alienation Is child Abuse

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer For the child, parental alienation is a serious mental condition, based on a false belief that the alienated parent is a dangerous and unworthy parent. The severe…

Lost Generation Part 10: Parental Alienation

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer Parental alienation is a social dynamic when a child expresses unjustified hatred or unreasonably strong dislike of one parent, making access by the rejected parent…

Lost Generation Part 9 : Divorce and Child Custody

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer In case of Separation or Divorce in a traditional family and the couples cannot decide on the child custody(decision making ability) in Canada, court will decide for…

Lost Generation Part 8: Paternity Fraud and Child Support

By Kiran Thomas, CCMF Volunteer Typically in paternity fraud cases, the alleged father has been paying child support for numerous years and he later discovers that he is not the biological father of…