Controversial “Men’s Issues” Organization Ejected From Pride Parade
TORONTO, ONTARIO – (June 28, 2014) – The educational charity Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), whose programs focused on the well-being of boys and men are routinely opposed by some feminists, has had their permit to walk in Sunday’s Pride parade revoked.
CAFE will nevertheless host a public Pride Party tonight in the Village and will participate visibly in World Pride Sunday.
“As a trans-woman I’m troubled that Pride would become my oppressor,” said Genna Ross, Chair of CAFE’s LGBT Committee, and advocate for transgendered people and the disabled.
CAFE walked in 2013 without incident and was approved for 2014 months ago. Pride’s Dispute Resolution process prevents cancellation of permits after June 21st and grants groups opportunity to respond to complaints. Those procedures were abandoned.
Among provocative groups walking in Pride, including Queers Against Israeli Apartheid and OECTA, only CAFE was barred.
“Pride has abandoned its own values of equality, inclusion and diversity,” said Ross.
CAFE is pursuing an amicable resolution with Toronto Pride.
Denise Fong
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